A few months ago, we were approached by Shoutout DFW. Someone (we still don't know who, though I have an idea) nominated us for a spotlight on the Shoutout DFW website.
Talk about an honor! Two years ago, we were still trying to figure out how to grow mushrooms on straw in buckets. To say we have come a long way in these past 2 years would be an understatement. Not only have we figured the substrate out (that's what the mushrooms eat to make more mycelium), but we now have a variety of products along side our fresh mushrooms.
I am so proud of the hardwork Jason has put into making this business a business. Going from bows to mushrooms was a huge shift for us. The article focuses on that shift and why we love what we do. Jason and I have been married for 13 years, so we've been doing life together for awhile now. The change that I have seen in him has been so profound. He finally found his purpose in life, and subsequently mine as well. Our purpose. It may have taken nearly 4 decades, but we now know we've been put here to share the magical world of fungi with you.
You can read the full article by clicking here. Thank you for supporting a family that is passionate about bringing the benefits of mushrooms to you.
Mush love,